Why is the system not loading account code and Cctr_code as per Item_acct_determination in Purchase order ?

This can be initated only by Proteus Support or it Partners
Users should map the account code to the supplier, item series and transaction type in theitem account determination.
The general ledger account code for the Advance accounts payables account is taken from supplier master. If it is not defined in supplier master then, it is used from the item series, applicable for the transaction.
Same with the cost center code for the Advance accounts payables. System populates it in Purchase from supplier master, If it is not defined in supplier master then, it is used from the item series, applicable for the transaction.
If data of item account determination Account_Ap_adv is not there nor transaction type vise data is mapped then system picks the data from supplier master
For Item Account Determination master, go to Finance->Finance Setup-> Masters->Item Account Determination distribution.