Why does the system show the msg ‘VTADJAMT, Invalid Adjustment Amount ‘ on finishing the expense voucher?

Cause : System shows error ‘VTADJAMT – Invalid Adjustment Amount’ when the adjusted amount is greater than the total amount to be adjusted against a Purchase receipt/ invoice. Sometimes the system will show an error as ‘VTADJAMT1 Adjusted amount is greater’ when the adjustment amount is greater than the net amount expenses. These error messages are shown on finishing the transaction.

In Expense voucher, Users should select voucher type as expense voucher, Sundry type can be anything such as supplier, customer, employee, bank, tax authority, transporter etc. After this users should enter the Sundry code and bill number. Once the bill number is entered the amount gets populated. Then enter the bill due date and goto expense details tab and enter quantity, rate, amount and get populated the details along with tax details and account details. The bill amount in the header should be the same as the bill amount in the expense tab before finishing the voucher.

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