How to apply Promotion Scheme ?

Promotion Scheme Creation is available in Below Menu SCM–>SCM Setting –>Masters–> Promotion. It has two stages of Creation
1. Promotion Scheme Creation and Applicability
2. Promotion Scheme Definition

1. In First Step We can create a Promotional scheme and define its applicability/Validity . We define Scheme with a product on which the Scheme will be applied. The Validity time periods of the Scheme is mentioned in Eff from date and valid up to date. Promotion Scheme can be created through “Promotion Applicability” form that is available in above given path. We can define the Customers on which this scheme will be applicable(In case there are few special customers), or define the customers on which this schemes will not be applied. In Details screen, We define the scheme applicability Country/State/Site wise.

2. In Second Step We define the Scheme, The Form for defining Scheme is “Promotion Definition” Available in the Menu Above. The Scheme Flag Should be Quantity for Quantity based Scheme. Base quantity is the minimum quantity required to for Free Products. For Ex if free Quantity is 1 for every 15 Changeable product , then base quantity will be 15. Minimum quantity is the minimum requirement for applicability of the scheme. In above example it will be 15. Maximum quantity till which Scheme can be applicable. In Details Fields we first define the product which will be chargeable, Chargeable product’s “NATURE” must be ‘Charged. The Product type must be Proportionate for Chargeable product’. In Second Line we will add the Free product. its NATURE will be Free and Type Slab.