How to create user defined custom conditions filter in search scope?

System has the provision to define a custom filter in the search scope. Users have to follow the below steps to create the user defined filter.
1) Users have to open any screen then click on the search scope, then click on the custom condition filter add button.
2) Opens the Custom expression inputs provision.
3) Users have to enter filter name
4) Select the fields name from the drop down
5) Users can select the operators as required from the list (= equal to, >= greater than equal to, <= less than equal to,< less than, > greater than, != not equal to, like end with, like starts with, contains, in, between.
6) Users can give a definite value or ask a value by prompt.
7) Users can save multiple conditions using ‘and’ and ‘or’.
8) Users can select, add to permanent for permanent filter or select enable by default
9) On clicking done button the parameters are saved for user defined filter.
10) Users can delete the user defined filter by clicking the filter name and clicking the remove button.
Please see the snapshot: user Filter.png