How to use post order screen ?

System has the provision for multi Sales orders to be posted in one go. This menu is available in SCM -> Sales-> Order Execution -> Post Order

The transaction id from range should be specified. Please note that the items selected in the Sales order should have been defined in the pricelist.

The customer code from range should be specified for which order are to be posted. The despatch date, from and should be specified of which posting is to be done. Select site from where despatch is being done. users need to select type of the Sales order for which despatch is made. If users keep it blank then means all type of orders. Select Adjust CN/DN Option from drop down box (Yes/No), its the credit note and debit note if required and Adjust Cust Adv Option from drop down box (Yes/No).

Select Adjust Advance Option from drop down box 1)Customer Wise 2)Sales order Wise.

If Club pending order is selected then all the pending orders irrespective of the series will despatched under one single despatch id.

If Club Order selected , then all the pending orders of the respective series will despatched under one single despatch id.

Posting upto Despatch. After this user can click on process button. This will generate despatch or invoice.