Can we add Co-applicants in customer master?

Suggestions :
Applicable only to customers who are using our real estate template
A co-applicant is a person who joins in the application of a loan or other service.
Having a co-applicant can make an application more attractive since it involves additional sources of income, credit, or assets.
A co-applicant has more rights and responsibilities than a co-signer or guarantor.
In customer master, the system has the provision to add co-applicant in customer master. This facility exists in the co-applicant details tab of customer master. Customer master can be navigated to SCM-> SCM Settings -> Masters ->
Users can enter the applicant order, name, relations, birthdate, religion, occupation, users have to select type (Individual, HUF, Company). Users need to enter their PAN number, select state code and station code. Same for organisation details.
Customer master has the provision to add co-applicants and also delete the same any time.