How to Create Holiday in the System?

  • Holiday master is use in the system to understand, that the particular date is a holiday.
  • In Vision Holiday is defined in 2 ways :
    • Weekly holiday i.e Sunday [W]
    • Festival Holiday i.e Diwali [H]
  • One Whole Year’s Holiday can be uploaded once.
  • In Holiday table you can add holidays as per state.
  • Holiday code is map to particular employee in employee master.So that user no need to the reporting on holidays days. while doing Day end reporting or Realtime reporting.

Login >System >Administration

Holiday Upload

  • Administration >Inbound Outbound Data Exchange >
  • Upload Data From Excel,XML and JSON.

Uploading Screen Will Appear.

  • Select Target from pophelp >, Search Holiday
  • Select holiday with object Name wsfa_holiday, As Shown

Uploading Holidays with New Template.

NOTE – Template needs to be created before starting the uploading process. Template needs to be Once.

  • Select New Template from dropdown of Layout Template.
  • Click on Next
  • Upload Screen Will Appear.
  • Upload Holiday List file from Choose file. (File must be XLS format)

Upload Template/Excel file for Holiday.

  • HOL_TBLNO – In Hol_tbleno, Admin can define holiday code for a State N 4 char.I(like P-MH is defined for Maharashtra) 
  • HOL_DATE – The date for which holiday is to be defined (We have to Upload SUNDAYS also)[Date format should be in DD/MM/YY]
  • HOL_TYPE – For Normal Weekly holiday use W and for Festival Holiday Use H for Holiday Type
  • DESCR – It is Description for holiday like for 15th AUGUST DESCR will be INDEPENDENCE DAY.
  • NO_DAYS – No of days Holiday will be 1.
  • CHG_DATE – CHANGE Date which Should be Current Date/Today’s Date [Date format should be in DD/MM/YY]
  • CHG_USER , CHG_TERM is automatically generated by System.

Holiday Excel file Sample.

Select File from PC of which holiday Excel File is created.

After Uploading File, Click on Manage Template.

  • Template Mapping screen will appear, Select Sheet as Shown
  • After Selecting Sheet, Click on Mapping.
  • Check Column is Correctly mapped in Target Column
  • Click on Save.

Enter Name to this Template, After entering Name for Template Click on OK.

  • Template Name will be updated. As shown
  • Click on Save, After Clicking on Save. Click on Close.
  • Template will be Updated in template
  • Click on Process.
  • Upload Process screen will appear.
  • Click on Refresh to know the status.
  • If the data is successfully uploaded, Admin will see   this Icon
  • If the Data is not uploaded successfully, Admin will see this Icon, (Same as in Image)

Uploading Holidays with Existing Template.

NOTE – These instructions are for Template that is already present in System.

  • Select Target as Shown earlier.
  • Layout Template – Choose a template which is already present.
  • After Selecting Template,
  • Click on Next.
  • Upload screen will open.
  • Click on Icon and remove earlier uploaded file and upload new file which admin need to upload.
  • After uploading file, File will be visible
  • System will show Number of records/Rows are in Excel file.
  • Click on Process.
  • Process Screen will Open
  • Click on Refresh to load data.
  • Wait for screen to completely upload data.
  • If the data is successfully uploaded, Admin will see this Icon, (Same as in Image)
  • If the Data is not uploaded successfully, Admin will see this Icon.

Error While Uploading file.

NOTE – Error while upload is only when this  icon comes on Process Screen.

  • When on Process Screen an Icon like appears where is some error while uploading data.
  • System will let Admin know Number of Records which are unsuccessful.
  • Click on Icon to View Errors, Download Error File.
  • After Clicking on Error Icon,
  • An window will open which will show error message.
  • Download File button will there to download Error File
  •  Rectify Error and Upload File Again.

Holiday Creation

Login > CRM > CRM Setup

Click on Holiday

Holiday Screen Appears.

  • Table No: Select table no from pophelp
  • Date: Select date for which you want to set holiday
  • Day: After selecting date day will automatically set
  • Type: Select type from pophelp (Weekly Off  /Holiday)
  • Description: Enter description of holiday