How can we set In Consumption Order, field order type default as “CS” using property editor ?

Suggestion: The system has the provision of a property editor to set the default values for the fields.
This is only availabe to Proteus Partners Users and Proteus Support Users
1) Users have to go to the property editor url link of the application ‘..ibase/webitm/jsp/propertyeditor.jsp’.
2) After login users have to select object name and resource pack name and then select Editor. 3) System display data in Object name drop down from Transetup table . It displays tran window name from the Transetup table as the object name . User has to select the object name as ‘consumption_order’ and resource pack as ‘Inventory’
4) System display data in Resource Pack drop down from Resources table.
(a) If a path is mentioned in the resources table for the selected resource pack then the property file will be generated in the same path which is defined in the Res path column.
(b) If path is not mentioned in resources table for selected resource pack then property file will be generated in same path which is defined in ibase.xml for Resource profile path tag file
5) Select Editor DropDown value as ‘Web Editor’.
6) System allow to navigate to next screen (Second screen of property editor) after Selecting Object name, Resource pack , editor and click on OK
7) Users should enter the initial value of order type as ‘CS’ . f. Initial value allows pre-set value in the field.
8) System saves the changes after editing and clicks on the save changes button.