How to Create Station in the System?

  • Station are Places in which Localities Contain, under one station Multiple Localities can be made.
  • Station are Different locations like Headquarter, Outstation, Ex Headquarter.
  • Station are route on which Expense Master works.
  • Sales Pers are given allowance on when salesperson visits from one station to another.

LOGIN >CRM Menu >CRM Setup.

  • After CRM Setup Menu Opens.
  • Click on Geography >
  • And then Station.

Station Screen Appears .Click on Add New.

Adding New Station Screen will appear.

  • Station Code – Station Code must be Unique (Code must not be more than 5 Characters)
  • Description –  Enter Description of Station.
  • Short Description –  Enter Short Description of Station
  • State Code –  Select State Code from Pop-Help.
  • City – Select City from Pop-Help.
  • Fill Rest Details of,
  • STD Code,
  • District,
  • Pin Code.
  • Fill Rest details,
  • Permit Req.
  • Active. 

After Filling all Details. Click on Finish.

Finish Screen