How can we configure Channel Partners ?

The channel partners are business houses who does business exclusive for the organisation or a representative of the organisation for some purpose. For example an organisation who is a dealer and works as joint venture or consignment .
User has to follow the below steps to do the setting of channel partner, explained it with example so that it will easy to understand
Step 1 ) User has to make two sites in different financial entity each(e.g. as warehouse(S001) and other as super stockist(S002) )

Step 2) User has to then Name the Supplier as Supper Stockist and link with the Warehouse link in Site Supplier In (S001)Supper Stockist sites and

Step 3) User has to make the Channel partner Flag as Yes and dis link(Distribution Link) as A and put Channel partner site as the Warehouse site (S002)

Step 4) User has to name the Customer Super Stockist link in Site Customer In Ware house Site ( S002)and

Step 5) User has to make channel partner Flag as Yes
and dis link(Distribution Link) A for the channel partner site as the super stockist as (S001).
As per channel partner flow, we can make a standing Purchase order in the supplier site for so when ever the ware house will sale something to the Channel partner customer then it will create auto Purchase receipt on posting of invoice and similarly
when the Purchase return is made at Supplier site automatic Sales return is made at the customer site.