How is QC transfer used ?

QC transfer option is used to transfer the material from one quarantine location to another or for any other use before it is approved. QC transfer exists in the below path , Mfg –> Quality Control –> QC Transfer.
Users have to enter the QC Order Number for which the material is to be transferred. Only unconfirmed QC order’s can be allowed for transfer.
Once the QC order number is entered all the data gets set from the relevant transaction and is non-editable. Then users have to enter the QC transfer quantity and transfer to location.
Users have to enter location code to where the material is to be transferred. Usually, such material is always transferred to the TRTRQ location code.
Users can enter remarks, if any and finish the transaction.
On confirmation of the transaction, the transferred quantity will be reduced from the specified QC Order. If full quantity is transferred, then QC order quantity is set to zero and status will be updated as confirmed.
When the QC transfer is confirmed, the quantity in the original location code must be reduced and the Inventory in the location code to which the material is transferred must be increased.