What is Purchase enquiry ?

The purchase inquiry process in our system facilitates communication between customers and suppliers, allowing customers to inquire about their requirements and suppliers to respond with proposals. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to navigate and utilize this feature:

Navigating to Purchase Inquiry:

  1. Access Purchase Inquiry Screen: To initiate the purchase inquiry process, navigate to the “Purchase Inquiry” screen. You can find this option in the Supply Chain Management (SCM) menu path: SCM -> Purchase -> Enquiry.

Creating a Purchase Inquiry:

  1. Select Item Series: Begin by selecting the appropriate item series that corresponds to the product you are inquiring about.
  2. Item Details: In the item details section, specify the following information:
    • Item: Select the item for which you are making the inquiry.
    • Delivery Site: Indicate the delivery site where the items will be received.
    • Date: Specify the desired delivery date.
    • Quantity: Enter the quantity of the item you require.
  3. Supplier Details: In the supplier details tab, select the supplier(s) you want to send the inquiry to for the chosen item. This allows multiple suppliers to provide proposals for the same item.
  4. Enquiry Based on Indent: Optionally, you can also raise a purchase inquiry based on an existing indent by selecting the indent number in the item details tab. This streamlines the process by referencing the indent information.

Supplier Item Mapping:

  1. Ensure Supplier Item Mapping: Users need to define the purchase inquiry in the supplier item master. Within the supplier item master, there is a field called “Sent Purchase Inquiry” that specifies whether a purchase inquiry can be forwarded for the item (yes/no). It’s crucial to ensure that the item is correctly mapped in the supplier item master.

By following these steps, users can create and send purchase inquiries to suppliers, allowing suppliers to respond with proposals based on the customer’s requirements. This streamlined process enhances communication and collaboration between customers and suppliers, ultimately leading to efficient procurement.

Important Note: Proper item mapping in the supplier item master and accurate supplier selection are essential for a smooth purchase inquiry process. Users should ensure that the information provided in the inquiry is accurate and complete to receive relevant proposals from suppliers.

If you need further guidance on the purchase inquiry process in our system or encounter any issues during this process, please refer to the system’s user documentation or consult with your system administrator for assistance.