How to make tax details non editable in Sales order?

Suggestion: The system has the provision of property editor to set the fields as editable or non editable.
This is only availabe to Proteus Partners Users and Proteus Support Users
1) Users have to go to the property editor url link of the application ‘..ibase/webitm/jsp/propertyeditor.jsp’.
2) After login users have to select object name and resource pack name and then select Editor as web editor.
3) User has to select object name as ‘sorder’ and resource pack as ‘Sales’
4) Select Editor drop down value as ‘Web Editor’.
6) After Selecting Object name, Resource pack , editor & click on OK, to navigate to next screen.
7) Users should check the protected checkbox of tax class, tax chapter and tax environment fields. Protect allows to make fields non editable.
8) System saves the changes after clicking on the save changes button.