How to confirm Misc Credit Note if the following error ‘The IBCA control link for the from / to site has not been defined'(VTIBCA5 ) occurs on confirm button click?

Cause: 1) System will not confirm Misc Credit note if IBCA Receivable linking is not found for from site code.
Remedies 1) User needs to define IBCA Rcp Control for the from/to site used in Misc credit note.
2) To define IBCA Rcp Control, user should go to Finance-> Finance Settings-> Master-> IBCA Rcp Control screen and create and new record for the specified site.
3) If user does not require IBCA control linking then remove the Site(Receipt) from Site customer master.
4) To make changes in Site Customer master, user should go to SCM->SCM Settings-> Master-> Site Customer master and edit the record for the specifed site.