How to Create Plan Configuration in the System?

  • Plan Configuration is a target set by Admin that which Station Sales Person will visit in A Month.
  • Plan Configuration is Used by Admin to define Salesperson will visit which Station for A Month.
  • Admin can define salesperson team will visit which HQ, OS, EX HQ Station how many times in a Month.
  • Admin have to define for Each Month.

Login >CRM >Sales Force Automation

  • Call Planning > Plan Configuration.
  • Click on Plan Configuration.
  • Plan Configuration screen will open.
  • Click on Add New.
  • Adding new Plan Configuration screen will appear.
  • Select Period Code from the Question mark.(Period code is Month for which Sales Person will plan)
  • Adding new Plan Configuration screen will appear.
  • Select Period Code from the Question mark.(Period code is Month for which Sales Person will plan)

Submit By Date – It is the date by which salesperson can submit plan for the month.

  • Enter No of days Salesperson will visit Station in the particular month.
  • For Eg : Sales Person  will visit EX HQ for 10 Days, OS for 10 days and HQ for 11 days, Click on Save.

Finish Screen.