How to Create Locality in the System?

  • Locality is area which is mapped to SalesPerson.
  • Locality is created after Creation of Station.
  • Locality is contains Customers for SalesPerson In Customer Master List.
  • Locality Code must be unique for each locality.

Prerequisites for Adding New Locality

  • Station Code – Station must be present in Station Master.
  • City – City must be present in City Master.
  • State – State must be present in State Master.

Login >CRM >CRM Setup

In CRM Setup Menu

Click on Geography > Locality

Click on Locality.

  • Locality screen will open.
  • Click on Add New

Adding New Locality screen will appear.

  • Locality : On Pophelp, line Enter Locality Code (Locality Code can be of Max 10 characters, Locality Code Must be unique)
  • On second Line enter Locality Name.
  • Short Description : Enter Short Description for Locality.
  • City : City will automatically set.
  • District : Enter District in which locality exists
  • Station : Enter Station Code which was created earlier.
  • State, Country  : City will automatically set which is entered in Station.
  • Pin : Enter Pin Code of Locality/Area.
  • Select Locality Type
  • Locality Type is Type of locality like Metro, Non Metro.

Locality Subtype : Select from pop help, Subtype is Additional information on Locality.

After Entering All Details, Click on Finish.

Finish Screen