How to create Questions in the System?

In Creation of questions master we can create question related to products which will display in survey form while doing survey.

Login > CRM > Sales Force Automation

Creation of new Questions

  • After Sales Force Automation  Menu Opens.
  • Click on Assessment >
  • And then Create Assessment
  • And then Creation of Questions.

Creation of Questions appears. Click on Add New

Adding new screen will appear.

  • Survey Code: Will generate by system after save
  • Description: Enter the question in the description
  • Details: Enter details of the question
  • Assessment Group:  Select Assessment Group from Pop-help under which group you want to display this Question.

  • Mandatory: Yes/No
  • Active: Yes/No
  • Result Type -Select from Pop-Help(More explained further)
  • Result Format – Select from pop-Help (More Explained further)
  • Result Type

Enter the following for Result Type – 

L – Toggle Button / Dropdown.

T – Text 

N – Number

S – Select an Option. 

A– Action.

  • Result Format

Select From Pop-Help for

D – Dropdown

T – Text 

R – Radio

I – Slider

  • Result Range Min – For Numbers (maximum Number allowed to enter by user)
  • Result Range Max – For Numbers (maximum Number allowed to enter by user)
  • Attach Option – Attachment (Select from Dropdown).
  • Default Value

Eg. For Num 0.

For Toggle Y/N.

  • Result Metadata: Enter options which want to display in dropdown menu if result_format is dropdown selected.Enter values for eg. for a question you need a dropdown of number 1-4.Enter in meta data 1,2,3,4.

Click on Finish to Save