What is a cheque deposit register used for??

Cheque deposit register is a report used to get a summary of cheques and dd deposited with the banks collections in the particular date range. This report exists in Finance-> Receivables-> Ageing outstanding-> Cheque Deposit Register.
Users can select the date range in which the cheques are deposited. Users can select the site code which default is the login site. Then the item series range for which the transactions are done.
Users can give the bank code range of the bank in which cheques are deposited, whose report is required. Then Customer code range can be selected.
Report shows data for following columns Customer Code, Customer Bank Name, Receipt No, Cheque No, Document, Amt Advance, Amt Adj, Doc.No., Date, Adj Amt(Rs.), Interest,
Customer Name, Customer City, Receipt Date, Cheque Date, Cheque Status (Bounced).
Users can select the output format for downloading, txt, html, pdf, word, excel etc. Users can click on the preview button to get the report preview.