How to save Sales contract or contract amendment if the following error ‘Invalid exchange rates’ occurs?

Cause :
In Sales contract and contract amendment when we enter the exchange rate and save. System shows the message ‘Exchange Rate Fluctuation A/c Code not specified properly through Financial Variables menu for variable name “EXCH_RATE_DIFF”, ‘if the A/c code for variable name ‘EXCH_RATE_DIFF’ is not defined. Or ‘For the same currencies exchange rates must be the same’ when the exchange rate for the particular currency is not properly defined or the exchange rate is not the same as defined in the master.

When Sales contract and Sales contract amendment are saved then users have to enter currency of the Sales contract (can be base currency or customer’s currency) and the exchange rate of the currency to base currency. Default is taken from the currency master.
Users should ensure that if the currencies are the same as the customer then the exchange rate should also be the same. And Users should ensure that the Exchange rate entered should be the same as defined in the master.