What is Schema?

Schema is a description of how the data stored and how it is organised within the database. It also describes a user friendly description and attribute of the data element. This is useful for non-technical business user can select the data point and generate analytics.

Let us understand this with an simplistic example. Let us say there is a invoice data available in a oracle database. Each invoice records are available in INVOICE table, customer information available in a CUSTOMER table and product information available in PRODUCT table

Schema will contain meta data about


-How the tables are joined or related

-Columns in table (description, data type, length)


INVOICE – joins with – PRODUCT – on PRODUCT_CODE key

In this case CUSTOMER_CODE is a common column between INVOCE and CUSTOMER table; PRODUCT_CODE is a common column between INVOCE and PRODUCT table.

The columns in each of the table which needs to be available for analysis has to be described in schema, for example


Description: Invoice ID, Data type: String, Length: 10 characters


Description: Invoice Date, Data type: Date, Length: NA


Description: Invoice Amount, Data type: Number, Length: 14,3

And so on…