How to Create Activity in the System?

Activity is something that you do, usually regularly on daily basis.

Login  >  CRM  >  CRM Setup  >  SFA Masters  >  Activity

Activity Screen Appears.

  • Activity: Enter New Activity code and Description of that activity.

(Note :  Activity Code must of only 2 Characters)

  • Short Description: Enter short description of activity
  • Activity Type: Select activity type from pophelp, whether new activity comes under Field Work (FW), Non Field Work (NFW), Leave etc, select accordingly
  • Active: Yes 
  • Active: Yes
  • View To: Select from pophelp whether this activity view to both(sales person & Manager) or only for sales person or only for manager
  • Division: Select division from pophelp (Enter 3 Characters of station name and system will suggest station name).( For SFA select MNR)
  • Parent Activity Code: Enter Parent activity code if this newly created activity comes under any other activity or if this newly created activity is parent activity enter its activity code in parent activity code field.
  • Place required: Yes for Field Work activities only 
  • Click on finish button to save