What is Vision Assistant

Vision Assistant is a built in Chat Bot powered with AI. Vision Assistant is available across all Products and Modules of Proteus Vision ERP. User can ask questions and give commands in natural language and Vision Assistant can service them.

For example user can ask What is the receivables from ABC Company. It will answer by providing information retrieving from the database in a real time basis. Using AI Vision Assistant not only will determine the indent and entity from the statement, it will also fetch the code of customer from the name.

Vision Assistant is not just capable fetching information from the system, it can also perform actions and create transactions. For example user can say “Apply for PL from next month 3rd for 6 days”. This would result in a leave entry in the system and submitted.

The Intents and Entities is extensible, so user can add their own intent and entities involved in that intent. Also the AI model can be trained for each intent on how the user might invoke the request.

There is a mic icon in Vision Assistant which allows user to speak when using it from the Vision mobile app.