What is subledger report and why is it used?

Suggestions :
Ledger is the recording of financial information which is books of account as per standard accounting principle. Ledgers and subledgers are used to record the financial transactions.

Sub-ledger is also known as a subsidiary ledger. A subledger is a ledger containing all of the low level details of transactions which cannot be captured in general ledger. The total of the transactions in the subledger gets summarised into the general ledger. The total of sub-ledger should always match with the line item amount on the general ledger.

Subledger report contains all accounts receivable, or accounts payable, or fixed asset transactions. Reports show the details of Finance entity, Customer, Voucher No., Date Particulars, Account Reference, Cheque No. and Date, Cheque Clearance Date, Debit Credit Balance
Pay Mode, etc.
Subledger report exists in the following path Finance-> General Ledger-> Sundry Related-> Subledger.
Parameters used for the Subledger report are Finance entity, Sundry Type, Sundry Code Range, Date Range, Accounting period and Period from.

The System has the option to download the reports in formats like Html, pdf,ods, odt,Explore, excel, word, text, Rtf etc.