Scheme Definition in Vision


Scheme is an additional monetary or goods benefit that is given to the trade partners. This additional benefit is usually structured around a time period which can range from a few days to an year. A few forms of trade scheme might take are as follows.

Flat discount – Reduction in purchase price leading to higher profit per sale Free items – Giving additional products for the same price

Schemes are tools in the hands of company to ensure that the trade partners are encouraged to sell more of their products and enjoy the benefit of schemes.

In Vision ERP, there are two levels for defining the promotional schemes

  1. Promotion Applicability
  2. Promotion Definition
  1. Promotion Applicability:
  1. This screen is use to associate the promotion scheme to the applicable item, applicable / non applicable customers, sites and / or state.
  2. The scheme can be applicable for specific period
  3. The scheme can be awarded on purchase of certain minimum and or maximum value of item per invoice or cumulative.
  4. The scheme can also be made applicable for certain order types only.
  5. The scheme applicability can be restricted for customers by specifying customer codes in applicable for customer or not applicable for customer field.

Sales transaction where scheme are selected will validate for all the applicable options defined in the scheme applicability.

Header Screen:

Scheme code: The code assigned to identify the scheme.

Item Code: The item on which scheme is applicable.

Applicable From: Starting date for scheme.

Valid Up-to: End date for scheme.

Slab On Description : Not Applicable

Order Type: Non Mandatory. Order type for which scheme is applicable. If not defined then it will applicable for all order.

Minimum Value : Non Mandatory. User must specify the minimum invoice value (Qty * Rate – Discount), on which the scheme is applicable.

Maximum Value : Non Mandatory. User must specify the maximum invoice value (Qty * Rate – Discount), on which the scheme is applicable.

Apply Cust List : Non Mandatory. List of customer of code for which scheme is applicable.

No Apply Cust List : Non Mandatory. List of customer of code for which scheme is not applicable.

Grace Days: Non Mandatory. Not Applicable.

Detail Screen:

Site Code : Sites for which the scheme is applicable.

State Code : States in which the scheme is applicable.

Country Code : Country Code for which scheme applicability defined.

2) Promotion Definition

The promotion definition master defines the various items along with its respective quantity offered as free, for the product scheme announced by the company and as defined in the promotion applicability.

Header Screen:

Scheme Code : Enter the scheme code as defined in promotion applicability master. Scheme definition will be created against this scheme code

Item Code : System will set the Item Code for which this scheme definition is being made .

Scheme Description : User defined Description of the scheme.

Type : Type to be selected for Scheme. It should be “Scheme”

Scheme Option : Not applicable

Scheme flag : Flag to indicate whether batch value is quantity or value. It should be Quantity

UOM : Unit Of Measure .

Base Quantity : Quantity on which scheme is applied for Sales scheme

Min Qty : Non Mandatory. The minimum qty for scheme. By default it will be zero .

Max Qty : Non Mandatory. The maximum qty for scheme. By default it will be 99999999999 Min Value : The minimum value for scheme. By default it will be 0.

Max Value : The maximum value for scheme. By default it will be 9999999999. Apply Price : Not Applicable

Price Variance : Not Applicable

Detail Screen:

Item code : Mandatory. Charged / Free item codes offered in a scheme.

Item Reference : Mandatory. Item Reference to be given in scheme definition. For chargeable item, item reference should be ‘C’ and for free item, item reference should be ‘F.’

Quantity : Mandatory. Scheme Quantity to be given. For free item The free quantity offered, against the base quantity. For chargeable item, base quantity on which free item is offered.

Effective cost : Not Applicable

Nature : Mandatory. Whether the item being added is C-chargeable or F-free.

Type (Type of scheme) : P-Proportionate, S-Slab, F-Fixed. In case of proportional, quantity of free item will be calculated proportionately based on quantity of chargeable item. In case of fixed type, quantity of free item will be fixed as mentioned in quantity field

Critical Item : Not Applicable

Minimum free quantity : Non Mandatory. In case of scheme the minimum free quantity offered. If the calculated quantity is less than the minimum quantity, then the minimum quantity is assumed to be the calculated quantity.

Applicable Min Quantity : Non Mandatory. Item is applicable only when the size of the scheme is more than this quantity. If scheme quantity is less than this quantity then item is assumed as not applicable and will not reflect in despatch transaction. By Default it will be zero

Applicable Maximum Quantity : Non Mandatory. Item is applicable only when the size of the batch or scheme is less than this quantity. If batch or scheme quantity is more than this quantity the item is assumed as not applicable and will not reflect in despatch transaction. By Default it will be zero.

Execution of Scheme:

System stores the logic of schemes as described above in promotion applicability and promotion definition master.

On confirmation of sales order, system look ups the scheme applicable against each item in above master and calculates free items quantity if any.

At the time of despatch transaction, user can select/check the chargeable and additional free items in pop-help of sales order line number.