How to approve an indent?

User can goto indent approval screen by following menu path SCM – Purchase – Indent Approval
Steps for approving indent:
1) Select the month for which the indents are to be retrieved and then click on the search button. All the indents for that month, whether approved or not, are displayed item wise.
2) Click on the indent to be approved. That indent will be highlighted
In case user need to see the details of the indent, double click the left mouse.
3) User can edit the record, In case user needs to change the required date.
4) Click on approve button to approve the indent item line.


Before a Purchase order can be raised on the supplier for the items required, the indent must be confirmed / approved by a competent authority. This is done so as to ensure that there is no discrepancy in the data entered in the various columns and that the correct item is being requested.

What is Purchase Indent?