How to add fixed values in Tran type pophelp field in Channel partner return ?

This is available to Proteus Partner users and Proteus support users oly
System has provision in Generalised master to add pophelp values in any field as per the screens requirements.
Generalised master menu exists in SCM ->SCM Setup-> Master-> Generalised master.
The User has to select the field name ‘tran_type’ for which value needs to be added, then the user has to select the mod name’w_preturn’ which is the screen name (win name) and enter the values (e.g PR) and its description. Once this is done, the value(e,g PR) is visible in the channel partner return.
This setting can be done by the Proteus Team.

POPHELP setting to be done by proteus team it is not user configurable hence no need to add