Vision Assistant Feature Overview

Vision Assistant

Vision Assistant is a builtin AI powered chatbot of Proteus Vision ERP. With the power of conversational computing, you can talk to Vision ERP like you speak to another person in the world. Vision Assistant will understand and respond to you in same natural manner. You can ask question or issue command that can be executed and it will respond back with the result. 

For example while you are discussing business plan with a customer, you can ask Vision Assistant with sales or outstanding receivables during the discussion. You can also ask it to record a new sales order as it gets finalised without navigating into any form.

Vision assistant implements common design pattern generally followed in chatbot implementation. Each of the capability of Vision Assistant is identified by an intent. The intent definition describes what the user is trying to do with this command. An intent may have entities associated with it which is required as a part of input inside the command or question. 

AI-Powered Conversations

Vision Assistant is an intelligent chatbot, powered with large language model technology. It understands and responds to natural language and responds like a human. Now perform stress free business activities  in a natural way across the entire scope of Vision ERP.

Best in class Neural Language Processing

Leveraging cutting-edge Chat GPT API, Vision Assistant effectively translates natural language into Proteus Vision specific API and commands. This makes it possible for users to interact with the Vision ERP in a natural and conversational manner. Forget the intimidating commands, menu navigation and form filling; enjoy chatting with your ERP as you would do with another person. It effectively understands sentences specified in cryptic way.

Business Information at a Glance

Vision Assistant rapidly processes natural language queries and provides business-related responses at a remarkable speed. Users can ask business questions, receive instant answers, and make informed decisions instantly. For example you can say what is the sales of a product, what is the payable due for a supplier, what is the upcoming holidays and get a instant response.

Create Transactions from natural language 

One of the unique features of Vision Assistant is the creation of transactions and master from natural language sentences. Dive into the new business interaction era where you can issue a command such as apply for leave, offer a promo to customer, create a purchase order and many more. With this feature, Vision Assistant significantly simplifies the transaction creation process, saving time and improving customer satisfaction.

Execute commands

Vision Assistant, can not only respond to query it can also process specific command such as post a sales order, confirm a purchase bill, approve a leave etc.

Execute run running query 

Vision can perform long running data processing and execute reports in background and response back email when the process is completed. You can say generate the trail balance of this from starting of financial year to date. It will send an email with attachment of data in PDF format.

ERP Entities Interpretation

Vision Assistant accurately interprets various ERP entities such as customers, suppliers, items, divisions, places, dates, periods etc. It transforms names into system-identifiable codes, making data entry easier and faster while eliminating need to remember codes..

Built-in Intents for Common Use Cases 

Out of the box, Vision Assistant comes with built-in intents that cater to most common business use cases. These intents provides Chat experience for various ERP business areas without doing any custom setting. You can ask What can you do for me in Vision Assistant to get a list of intents for which you are rights to execute. 

Custom Intent Creation 

With Vision Assistant, you can customize and expand its capability to suit your specific business needs. Users can create their own intents and entities, enabling Vision Assistant to understand and interpret specific business requirements. This feature ensures that your personalized business needs are met, further enhancing the overall ERP experience. 

Access Control in Vision Assistant

Vision Assistant does not require any specific rights to be assigned to user for access control. It implements an innovative inheritance of user rights from Vision ERP access control. For each intent it can be specified which Vision ERP object rights to be applicable for this. For example if I have an intent to see the sales information I can specify that it should inherit rights of invoice object. All users who have rights invoice would automatically get rights to this specific intent.