How to attach a pdf document to a Sales order transaction?

System has the facility to attach scanned copies in pdf formats of any document to a particular Sales order transaction record. To attach a pdf file follow the below steps.
1) Select the Sales order record to attach the file.
2) Click the attachments icon from the side panel
3) Click ‘Add new attachment’ thumb image.
4) Select from the list of document titles which you need to attach ( e.g. Agreements, Communication etc.)
5) Select the format type pdf from the content Format Container list.
6) Click on ‘select file’ drop zone.
7) Select the required file from the drive.
8) You can drag and drop the file from your folders to the ‘select file’ drop zone.
9) Users can add description on the attached file feed.
10) Click on the done button to finish the procedure.
11) If the users want to see the attached file, then just click on the document image in the attachments side panel.
Please refer the screenshot : attachments.png